
Ochazuke Nori Nagatanien 4P Sale

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Ochazuke Nori Nagatanien 4P

A long-selling product with ochazuke. With the aroma of hail and seaweed and the ease of pouring hot water, it is a staple that is loved by everyone.
It’s perfect for when you’re a little hungry, after drinking alcohol, or for a midnight snack studying for entrance exams.
You can put your favorite ingredients on it, or you can chill it with cold water in the summer and make it chilled with tea. Enjoy your favorite way of eating in your favorite scenes.

お茶づけのロングセラー商品。あられと海苔の香ばしさと、お湯をかけるだけの手軽さで、 誰からも愛される定番中の定番です。


Seasoning granules (salt, sugar, matcha, kelp powder) (domestic production), hail, seaweed / seasoning (amino acids, etc.)

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